<b>UPDATE: 6/10</b>
The Gnomeloaf steamroller starts its roll... two fairly high-scoring deaths allow her to leapfrog into first place. Apparently John Gotti owed her a "favor"... Current scores:
1. Gnomeloaf, 34 + 39+ 10% = 80.
2. Da King, 66 + 5% = 69.
3. Chris, 7 + 5% = 7.
=. Jethro Q. Walrustitty, 7 + 5% = 7.
5. Ice Cream Jonsey, 0.
=. Little School Grrl, 0.
<b>UPDATE: 4/22</b>
How the hell he came up with this one is beyond me, but Da King leapfrogs into first place with the death of Layne Staley, lead singer of Alice in Chains. I don't mind moving one place if it means one less shitty rock band in the world.
Current scores:
1. Da King, 66 + 5% = 69.
2. Gnomeloaf, 34 + 5% =36.
3. Chris, 7 + 5% = 7.
=. Jethro Q. Walrustitty, 7 + 5% = 7.
5. Ice Cream Jonsey, 0.
=. Little School Grrl, 0.
<b>UPDATE: 3/27</b>
Gnomeloaf, the Queen of the Dead Pool, has taken an early lead with the untimely death of Dudley Moore.
<b>UPDATE: 3/27 part 2</b>
When it rains it pours (corpses)! Uncle Miltie has gone to the drag show in the sky. That means Chris and I are tied for second place.<p>
In alphabetical order by handle, birth date in paranthesis (incomplete currently):
Jan Michael Vincent
Clu Gulager
Niki Taylor
James Doohan
Pope John Paul II
Walter Kronkite
Don Adams
June Allyson
Leon Askin
Conrad Bain
Mr. T
<b><strike>Milton Berle</b></strike> Dead at 93, 3/27
Ernest Borgnine
Todd Bridges
Art Buchwald
<u><b>Da King:</b></u>
Muhammad Ali
Bishop Desmond Tutu
Dick Cheney
Robert Downey Jr
Ozzy Osbourne
Don Knotts
Don Zimmer
Fidel Castro
Jean Stapleton
Ted Williams
Ronald Reagan
Robert Wegman
<b><strike>Layne Staley</strike></b> Dead at 34, 4/21
"Judge Judy" Sheindlin
Alan Alda
Bob Hope (5/29/1903)
Yasmine Bleeth (6/14/68)
Johnny Cash (2/26/32)
<b><strike>Dudley Moore (4/19/35)</strike></b> Dead at 66, 3/27
Pope John Paul II
Ronald Reagan (2/6/11)
Richard Pryor (12/01/40)
Katharine Hepburn (5/12/1907)
Darryl Strawberry (3/12/62)
Robert Downey, Jr (4/4/65)
<b><strike>.John Gotti (10/27/40)</strike></b> Dead at 61, 6/10
Boris Yeltsin (2/1/31)
Geraldine Ferraro (8/26/35)
Jim J. Bullock
Whitney Houston (8/9/63)
<u><b>Ice Cream Jonsey:</b></u>
Osama bin Laden
Ted Williams
Yassar Arafat
Ronald Reagan
Boris Yeltsin
John Wooden
James Doohan
Sherwood Schwartz (did he mean Scotty?)
Annette Funicello
William "The Refridgerator" Perry
Edmund Hillary
Bob Hope
Katharine Hepburn
George Broussard
Robby Gordon
<u><b>Jethro Q. Walrustitty:</b></u>
James Randi
Osama bin Laden
Mullah Mohammad Omar
Ringo Starr
Dick Cheney
Ed Asner
Beetlejuice (from The Howard Stern Show)
Christopher Lee
Ronald Reagan
Buddy Hackett
Mickey Rooney
Jonathan Winters
Sid Caeser
<b><strike>Milton Berle</b></strike> Dead at 93, 3/27
Peter Falk
<u><b>Little School Girl:</b></u>
Winona Ryder
Robert Downey Jr
Richard Pryor
Mr. T
Hume Cronyn
Wilfred Brimley
Maureen Stapleton
Gary Busey
Christopher Reeve
Kenny Baker
Whitney Houston
Mariah Carey
Kim Bassinger
Jan Michael Vincent
Margot Kidder
1. Each player picks fifteen celebrities that they expect to die in the upcoming year.
2. Entries must be received no later than Christmas of the preceeding year.
3. Any "celebrity" can be picked. This includes actor/actresses, sports figures, politicians, leaders of nations or religions, etc. However, anyone sentenced to the death penalty is not a valid pick, nor are celebrity babies - however, famous children or nearly-children (such as Mary Kate & Ashley Olsen or Frankie Muniz or even that annoying bastard Haley-Joel Osmond) are acceptable.
4. Any players can question any other player's picks if they don't feel that they are legitimate, however the issue must be resolved by January 1st.
5. It is up to the player to check the status of their chosen celebrities, and when a death occurs, to report that death on the BBS or e-mail me directly to make sure that the score is counted.
6. There is no rule #6.
7. The contest runs from January 1st to December 31st. The winner is to be announced in the first week of January, any protests by the losers must be made no later than January 15th.
8. Each losing player must pay $10 U.S. to the winning player. This money must be received before January 31st of the following year.
9. In the event of a tie, the one whose celebrities died in more gruesome ways wins.
10. Scoring will be as follows: Each death in given a score which is equal to 100 minus the age of the celebrity. Ie, if a 60-year-old dies, the player will score 40 points. In addition to the death scores, there is a death bonus of 5% for each death, to be added to the total. If one celebrity dies, the overall score will be increased by 5%. If two celebrities die, the overall score will be increased by 10%, etc.
The story so far...
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- Jethro Q. Walrustitty
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