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- Watkins Glen Vintage Races, September 2017 [72]
- Watkins Glen Vintage Races, September 2016 [117]
- IMSA Sahlen's Six Hours of the Glen, July 2016 [109]
- Watkins Glen Vintage Races, July 2015 [24]
- Watkins Glen Vintage Races, September 2014 [180]
- Watkins Glen Vintage Races, September 2013 [112]
- Watkins Glen Vintage Races, September 2012 [51]
- Art of Ferrari at Watkins Glen, September 2010 [126]
- Watkins Glen Vintage Races, September 2008 [141]
- Euro Car Day, July 2007 [29]
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- Events and local places (upstate New York) [730]
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- 201607 IMSA 6 Hours-056../../../_data/i/upload/2019/01/02/20190102111932-f72583f8-la.jpg
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- 201607 IMSA 6 Hours-059../../../_data/i/upload/2019/01/02/20190102111939-2be7e7a9-la.jpg
- 201607 IMSA 6 Hours-060../../../_data/i/upload/2019/01/02/20190102111941-422c3846-la.jpg